Next Boot Camp Begins Monday, September 17, 2012

Here is some information regarding our next camp beginning on Monday, September 17, 2012. We meet 3x per week- Monday, Wednesday (Blaine Stairs), Friday.

Camper Checklist & Directions

Eat breakfast!!
Dress in layers (Be ready for outdoor and indoor workouts)
Bring water bottle
Small towel
Foam mat or Yoga mat
Pair of dumbbells (3# to 8#)
In winter (when it's dark) bring headlight or flashlight

Kirchoff Fitness Studio - Pre/Post- Boot Camp Assessment

4414 Latona AVE NE

Seattle, WA 98105

Make sure you contact Chris at ckirchoff@gmail.


Yes, that is the Week 4 Challenge!!!  If you do 10 sets of the Capitol Hill Stairs on 10th AVE E and E Blaine St that would be'd be more than half way there!!!

Seriously, Seattle is the stair city.....they are everywhere.....Queen Anne, Capitol Hill, Ravenna, Lake Washington, Leschi, UW, your house, your office building, school, your Reebok Step.

Week 3 Challenge

I am writing to you from Denver Colorado….where we are watching the Women’s Final Four Basketball Tournament!  Did I mention that we were on TV (only because we sat in front of Condoleezza Rice….I thought maybe it was my bright yellow shirt and my sunny personality). That doesn’t mean I am not thinking about your fitness!!!!  Are you ready for the WEEK 3 CHALLENGE??

In week 3 our challenge is to get 5 cups of Veggies and Fruits per day-

Preferably 3 cups of veggies and 2 cups of fruits.