Sleep Yourself Fit!

I am enjoying the last 6 weeks of my training for the Boston Marathon…..things are going well!  Ok yes, there have been times when I have wanted to sleep instead of train but despite that my body is hanging in there pretty well.

A couple of weeks ago I was not sleeping very well (I blame it on watching too much of the Olympics!!) and as expected, mood swings, a decrease in my energy level and training performance occurred.

Miso Soup

As I was munching on my cold cereal with frozen blueberries this morning, I felt a shiver run down my spine.  As my teeth chattered I happened upon an article by sports nutritionist, Nancy Clark Winter and Nutrition: Fueling for Cold Weather

Clearly it was a sign:) It discusses how eating cold things makes you cold…..duh.

Crossing the Finish Line

For those of you who have done camp before, I appreciate your dedication to come and work hard on ‘Assessment Friday”. It is not easy to do on a cold day like it was but it makes us stronger.   For those of you who are new to camp or have been gone for a while it will be awesome to see your improvements week 3 ‘Assessment Friday’.

This was a great first week of camp.