Chris’ passion for fitness started with playing soccer over 30 years ago. As a kid, she struggled with the obesity that ran in her family, but discovered the joy of sports, fitness, and healthy eating to help her with that battle. As an adult, she continued playing and coaching soccer at the premiere level.
Chris has competed in several triathlons, including the Boise Half Ironman, and in 2011 completed her first Ironman at Ironman Canada. Her marathons include Boston, Honolulu, Seattle, Vancouver, Portland, and New York. An avid hiker, Chris has also summited Mount Rainier.
In addition to holding a Master’s in Education, Chris is certified with two of the world’s leading fitness organizations, the American College of Sports Medicine and National Association for Sports Medicine. She has presented in fitness conferences in Japan, China, Germany, Ireland, and Thailand. Chris is also a Precision Nutrition Certified Coach and Certified Sol Guide.
Chris is focused on supporting our community as we age. Her philosophy is rooted in a belief that as we grow older, our ability to participate in activity should not lessen. Chris works with her clients across our community to demonstrate how to move with flexibility and balance. Many of her clients have been with Chris for many years and she invites all to join her on her global fitness adventures. When she’s not running, riding or coaching, Chris enjoys being outside, traveling, cooking, hiking and spending time with her wife and daughter.
Training Programs: Chris and her team will help you identify realistic goals, use real-life movements and routines and you’ll be in your own environment including the outdoors to make fitness a regular part of your life. Chris will tailor your workouts to your goals and schedules.
BootCamp: Join a group of equally motivated, fitness-community minded women in our BootCamp sessions. We meet early M-W-F in four-week sessions for one hour. Clients bring their mats and weights and sense of adventure. No two workouts are ever the same and all are sure to include getting outside!
Nutrition & Guidance: Powered by ProCoachTM, Chris will guide you every step of the way. Great recipes, insight and motivation will help to make sure your nutrition decisions are designed to get you the results you expect.
Global Fitness Travel: Continue your fit life through our Global Fitness Travel programs. Join women from our fitness community to explore new countries by hiking, biking, kayaking, trekking across new lands.